In November of 2018, CHAMPS launched a new form of outreach. “What’s Up Down There,” a play written by the award-winning playwright Janece Shaffer and created by Tony Award -winner Kenny Leon, is based on the real-life stories of prostate cancer survivors. The reading was a huge success and the play was well received by an audience who took turns chuckling and weeping as they witnessed the ups and downs of living with the illness. In 2019, CHAMPS is offering the play again in Atlanta, but we are also taking it on the road. Watch the video for a glimpse of the pre-play VIP reception and the reading – and stay tuned to the website for tickets to this year’s play!
The biggest event of the year for CHAMPS is the Community Health and Men’s Promotion Summit, which takes place at Clark Atlanta University every September. The event is a huge collective effort and pulls together a group of health and wellness professionals, from nurses and physicians to nutritionists and personal trainers, who come offer their services to hundreds of people in the community, free of charge. This event services the community members who might not otherwise have access to these essential health services, and provides help and life- saving information for those who often need it the most. Come join us in our quest to make our community healthy and happy!